“Raven Fledge Day” – Possibly the Best Holiday?

A proposed new Holiday, inspired by watching fledgling Ravens.
Fledgling Raven perches on the remnants of an old fence in Southwestern Colorado.
Fledgling Raven perches on the remnants of an old fence in Southwestern Colorado.

It’s currently mid-July here in Southwestern Colorado, and for the last month or so I’ve been seeing gangs of Ravens sitting on fences and Juniper snags. They seem to leave the nest in late May or June, then spend at least a couple of weeks flying around together, moving in loose family-flocks.

Fledgling Raven perches on a broken down fence in Southwestern Colorado
Fledgling Raven perches on a broken down fence in Southwestern Colorado

When they are fresh out of the nest, the fledglings have light pink patches in the corners of their mouths. Maybe those colors make it easier for the parents to put the pieces of meat in the correct places.

The fledgies also don’t fly very well at all. At best, they fly like toddlers on their first training wheels-free bicycle ride. Sometimes it seems as though they’ve finally gotten past the wobbly stage, but if a gust of wind comes up, or a they get caught in a thermal, then they’ll start to teeter and panic-weave in the air.

Two Raven fledglings (on right) feast on the remains of a songbird nestling brought by the parent (on left).
Two Raven fledglings (on right) feast on the remains of a songbird nestling brought by the parent (on left).

But they seem to know that they’re supposed to keep trying, and they get better quickly. Then they’ll spend a couple of months hanging around in gangs with their parents and nest mates – practicing their flying, begging from their parents, and just generally getting into trouble.

They are both fascinating and delightful to watch.

Fledgling Ravens begging for food from their parents.
Fledgling Ravens begging for gory food treats from their parents.
Three Raven fledglings begging for food.
Three Raven fledglings…begging for food.
Ravens fledglings having a confab re: begging.
Ravens fledglings having a meeting, probably re: begging.
Raven fledglings begging and "flying"
Raven fledglings begging and “flying”
Raven Fledglings begging and panting.
Raven Fledglings…begging.

Anyway…here’s my proposal.

One thing that I think this country needs is another holiday. This holiday won’t favor any particular religious or political party…it’ll be for everyone. And I suspect it’ll be good for the economy.

It’ll be “Raven Fledge Day“, and will be in early June, three weeks before the Summer Solstice.

We’ll celebrate by having raucous fun and putting delicious chunks of meat into each others mouths. And maybe flying, I don’t know for sure yet.

I, for one, intend to celebrate it from here on out.