Miscellaneous Wanderings and Maunderings
Miscellaneous Wanderings and Maunderings
Cooper’s Hawk
Cooper’s Hawk Hunting Eurasian Collared Doves in the Horse Sheds
When Laurie was returning from putting the horses out on their evening hay, she saw a Cooper’s Hawk perched on the paddock fence. It was staring intently at a Eurasian Collared Dove that was perched near the horse sheds. After…
This is picture is from a couple of years ago. I was out in a river canyon that ran though the Sagebush plains of the Southwestern Colorado desert. The river was a narrow strip of water and Willows running between…
Cooper’s Hawk
I was watching one of the BBC’s Planet Earth documentaries and they showed footage of a group of Harris Hawks hunting. The hawks had missed their initial attempt at a rabbit, and the rabbit was hiding in a patch…
Cooper’s Hawk
We’ve been getting frequent visits from Cooper’s Hawks recently. The visits seem to come in waves. We won’t see one for a couple of weeks, then we’ll see them every other day Or so.
Visit from a Cooper’s Hawk
When I walked out to get the mail a few weeks ago, a Cooper’s Hawk flew over the house, then low over my head. He landed in a Hawthorn sapling in the front yard.
Cooper’s Hawks
The first Cooper’s Hawk I met was at a raptor rehabilitation center in Vermont. The bird was a small male who had broken his wing a year previously and could not fly, and so was not releasable. He was very…