Miscellaneous Wanderings and Maunderings
Miscellaneous Wanderings and Maunderings
Watching Carrot Wasps in the Garden
Watching a Spider Wasp Hunting in Southwestern Colorado
Picture-winged Flies (Stictomyia longicornis) on Prickly Pear Cactus in Arizona
“Cotton Balls” on Fourwinged Saltbush – Galls formed by Cecidomyid Midges
Watching Tarantula Hawks on Desert Milkweed in Tucson, Arizona
White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata) feeding at Penstemon Flowers
The penstemons next to our house here in Southwestern Colorado have been blooming for the last couple of weeks, and they are attracting loads of pollinators. I’ve been spending a lot of time photographing the different types of wasps and…
Iron Cross Blister Beetle – Tegrodera aloga
Here are photos of a gorgeous Iron Cross Blister Beetle (Tegrodera aloga) that I saw one afternoon in Tucson. This was in early May of 2005, on the Cactus Forest Loop of Saguaro National Park East, at perhaps 3000′ elevation.…
Oil Beetle – Meloe sp. (Blister Beetle)
In the middle of September, 2023, I was hiking along a meadow trail bordering a mixed conifer woodland at about 10,400′ in the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern Colorado. I saw a strange-looking insect that was slowly climbing up the…
Nasute Termite in Arizona – Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris
In September of 2005, I was out hiking in Arizona’s Santa Rita Mountains. It was the first time I’d been there, and it was wondrous. Everywhere I looked, I saw some miraculous creature that I’d read about, but had not…