
Foxes Playing

The Red Fox spun around at the last second, crouching in a "let's play" stance. The Black Fox whirled around and loped away.

Laurie and I were watching television and eating dinner last night when our dog, Jack, came into the living room. He stared at me, then stared out the window, then stared back at me. He seemed to be saying “Hey.…

Driveway Fox

Red Fox crossing the driveway

Last Fall, there were a few mornings when I’d see a Red Fox out in the yard. She seemed to glow in the morning light, with the colors of the Autumn leaves behind her. The foxes visit us far more…

Visits from a Fox

The chickens inadvertently bring in all sorts of wildlife. They are Sirens calling to all of the hungry Ulysses-Critters in the neighborhood. I used to hike the land to the north of us, back before our neighbor sold it. Even…